If you are investing in mutual funds, make sure that you have paid a partial transaction cost. Every year the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) provides some discounts. It also charges a transaction cost on withdrawals. Hence, it is a good idea to regularly check the transaction cost.
Create a spending and savings account.
Try to create a spend and save account. You will be surprised to see that you are saving more with an account. Since it is your money, you can feel free to choose how much you want to spend on leisure and other things. However, always create a separate savings account where you can keep the small amount that you have saved. Saving small amounts regularly is a sure way of gaining financial independence.
Your home, your health, and your money are your most important possessions. Buy home insurance, so that if anything happens to your home, it will not affect you financially. Pay yourself first.
Before buying anything, check your finances. If you do not have enough money to buy anything, that does not mean that you should not buy anything at all. Always remember that you are what you spend. If you don't have enough money, don't buy anything else. If you do have enough money, but find that you do not have enough time, you should allocate time for money, instead of the other way round.
Don't try to buy low-risk funds in retirement.
Many people try to save as much money as possible for retirement. However, this can be quite challenging when you do not have enough savings, to begin with. It is better to try to buy mutual funds that are relatively safe and gradually withdraw money from them.
Select mutual fund schemes according to your financial goals.
Investing in mutual funds is very beneficial for you if you have well-defined financial goals and achieve them. It is best to invest in funds that are suited to your financial goals. You may buy a balanced fund that has equity and debt funds. You can go for an equity fund that has global exposure. The options are endless. You can decide what best suits your need.
A word of caution:
Never invest in debt funds. They are the riskiest ones and carry the highest cost. Choose equity funds on which you can gain a higher return.
When investing in mutual funds, you should know how much you should invest and not allow yourself to forget about the amount and lose sight of the goal. Use life-cycle funds, which can help you save more.
Plan your monthly expenses carefully.
The best way to save money is to know your income and expenses well. If you know where your money goes, it will help you in spending more wisely and save more. But be careful when you are not able to keep a track of expenses. This is when you need to invest in a professional money manager.
Don't invest your money in any money market mutual fund.
The problem with money market mutual funds is that the interest that you earn is hardly anything. In fact, this is the least profitable investment you can make. You can make more money by investing in gold or by investing in real estate.
Be true to yourself and don't get swayed by misleading advertisements.
A deceptive advertisement is a simple way to cheat people. Be honest and don't sell yourself short. This is the best way to help yourself. You will have to be realistic when it comes to managing your money. Spend only what you earn and save the rest. Invest in mutual funds only when you are confident that you can make it big.
Start saving as soon as you can.
Saving money is not a piece of cake. But if you want to be financially independent, you need to start saving as soon as you can. If you start investing in a bank account when you are in college, you have started saving. But, you must know that investing in mutual funds takes time and patience. There is nothing wrong with buying cheap products. That is one way of acquiring wealth.
Fear is The Path to Dark Side.