Reading between the lines is also important
Reading between the lines is a well-known phrase. In the olden days, communication ways were very less. No phones. Internet or mobile phones. The only way of communication was by sending letters. Letter writing was a regular aspect of those days. They used to convey many issues through these letters only. Even confidential information was also communicated through these letters only. There were no private couriers also those days.The chances of information leaking were high. Especially when emergency situations like wars, agitations etc. prevail, the chance of information snatching is high. So to avoid such problems some writers started conveying the messages indirectly using some codes between the lines so that the importance of the message will be known to the intended receiver only. That is how this phrase has entered the vernacular. Understanding the intentions or feelings of the writer by reading their messages even though they will not mention them openly, is called reading between the lines. It is very important these days.
Generally, we read the messages received from others to understand their opinions, feelings and understandings of various issues. Some people may directly hit upon what they want to convey. But some are not like that. We often will not understand the message from the write-up just by reading once. The messages may be written diplomatically. The reader should figure out the intentions of the writer by reading between the lines. So simple reading may not help us in understanding, we have to apply our mind and read. One should concentrate while reading and try to understand the information that is being conveyed through the write-up. This will help the reader to understand the subject. Such a reader only can become a good learner.
This is my entry for the contest
Topic based Thread of the Week contest for Feb '23 -topic- 'Reading'