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Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya

If you are looking for information about Gaya Engineering College, Gaya then you are at the right place. This page contains every single detail of G.C.E, Gaya.
College Name: Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya
Address: Srikrishna Nagar, P.O.-Nagriama,
Via-Buniyadganj, Khizarsarai,
Gaya, Bihar
City: Gaya   Colleges in Gaya
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: 094723 08431
Email: not specified    
Official Website:
University: Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Other popular names: Gce, Gaya

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Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya

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About Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya

Gaya is known for its academic excellence since ancient times. Gaya Engineering College is one of those laurels. Established in 2008, G.C.E is affiliated with Aryabhatt Knowledge University, Patna and recognized and approved by AICTE.
The government funded colleges imparts quality education in the field of engineering with the help of many teaching resources.
The college has separate blocks for each department. The infrastructure is not so good but it's good enough to provide students a learning environment.
The classrooms are well ventilated and spacious and has all the requisite facilities like projectors, fans etc. There is a small library but it has a wide collection of books recommended by Aryabhatt Knowledge University.
The whole campus is Wi-Fi enabled through high speed internet. The college administration runs buses which carries students from different part of city. Separate buses are there for carrying girls students.
There are two boys hostel and one girls hostel which run under college administration. The living condition and facilities provided in these hostels is of standard type.
There is a canteen in the college campus which serves hot, fresh and hygienic meal and snacks 24/7.
The college also organizes many educational tours, workshops, personality development class etc. to make students industry ready.
G.C.E offers B.Tech degree courses in the departments of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
If you are interested in getting yourself enrolled in Gaya Engineering College then visit their official website for further assistance.

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